Income Tax Changes
Free Tax Preparation. Regional Income Tax Agency provides free tax preparation once a year during the Month of March. Call (740) 625-7808 ext. 1003 for details. Centerburg Village can provide free assistance in preparing your Centerburg Municipal Income Tax Return at the Town Hall at 49 ½ East Main Street. Please call (740) 625-7808 for additional information.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the tax rate?
The tax rate for the Village of Centerburg is 1% based on your Medicare wages or net business profit.
The tax rate for the Village of Centerburg is 1% based on your Medicare wages or net business profit.
Who is required to pay taxes?
Anyone who is a resident of, works in, or does business in the Village of Centerburg must pay taxes. If you are not sure if you are a resident, but you still have a 43011 zip code, you can call the office at 740-625-7808 to verify your status. Retired and disabled individuals are not required to pay municipal income taxes on their pensions or disability payments. An exemption form is required for this status.
Anyone who is a resident of, works in, or does business in the Village of Centerburg must pay taxes. If you are not sure if you are a resident, but you still have a 43011 zip code, you can call the office at 740-625-7808 to verify your status. Retired and disabled individuals are not required to pay municipal income taxes on their pensions or disability payments. An exemption form is required for this status.
What if I work in Centerburg but live somewhere else?
You are not required to file taxes with the Village of Centerburg, but your employer is required to withhold Centerburg Taxes from your paycheck. Check with the municipality in which you live to find out if you get a credit for those taxes.
You are not required to file taxes with the Village of Centerburg, but your employer is required to withhold Centerburg Taxes from your paycheck. Check with the municipality in which you live to find out if you get a credit for those taxes.
Why do I have to pay Centerburg taxes if I pay taxes to another municipality where I work?
Each municipality requires taxes in order to run its government. The Village of Centerburg has a 1% tax rate. Effective January 1, 2016, no credit is given for taxes paid to another municipality.
Each municipality requires taxes in order to run its government. The Village of Centerburg has a 1% tax rate. Effective January 1, 2016, no credit is given for taxes paid to another municipality.
When are taxes due?
All residents who work and all businesses within Centerburg Village are required to file a tax return by April 15th of each year. Returns filed late are subject to a penalty and interest.
All residents who work and all businesses within Centerburg Village are required to file a tax return by April 15th of each year. Returns filed late are subject to a penalty and interest.
How should I submit my taxes?
Taxes can be mailed to:
Taxes can be mailed to:
Post Office Box 477900
Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147-7900.
Post Office Box 477900
Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147-7900.
Am I required to pay estimated taxes?
If you owe $200 or more on your taxes, you are required to file estimated taxes for the following year. Estimated taxes that are not filed are subject to a penalty.
If you owe $200 or more on your taxes, you are required to file estimated taxes for the following year. Estimated taxes that are not filed are subject to a penalty.
Where can I get answers to other questions?
You can call the Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) at (800) 860-7482 or visit their website at You can also call the tax office at (740) 625-7808 or visit our offices.
You can call the Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) at (800) 860-7482 or visit their website at You can also call the tax office at (740) 625-7808 or visit our offices.